Skirt Steak vs Flank Steak – Which Wins?

When it comes to selecting a steak, understanding where it comes from on the cow is essential. Each part of the cow offers a different combination of flavors, textures, and cooking characteristics.

We all know that the debate between Skirt and Flank cuts is a contentious one, stirring as much passion as the age-old question of rare versus well-done. Both cuts have their unique characteristics and advocates. But the question remains, which one is superior?

Anatomy and Characteristics

The Skirt Steak

The Skirt Steak

This cut is a long, flat cut of beef. It’s derived from the diaphragm muscles of the cow, precisely from the plate section. Its unique location contributes to its robust flavor and slightly tougher texture. It is marbled with fat, which adds to the richness of its taste, but it can be a bit chewy if not cooked or cut correctly.

Skirt steak is further divided into two types: Inside and Outside. The Outside skirt is generally more tender and features more marbling, which translates to a richer flavor when cooked. The Inside skirt, though leaner and tougher, can be just as delicious when marinated properly and cooked at the right temperature.

The Flank Steak

The Flank is another popular cut, but it comes from a different area of the cow—the belly muscles. It’s renowned for its lean texture and intense, beefy flavor. If you examine a piece of this cut, you’ll notice its fine, long muscle fibers, an identifying characteristic that sets it apart from other cuts.

While it lacks the marbling of Skirt steak, the Flank is by no means inferior in flavor. It has a robust, intense beefy taste that stands out in a variety of dishes. However, due to its leaner nature, it can be a bit tougher and requires careful handling during cooking.

Techniques like marinating or braising are often recommended to tenderize this cut and enhance its flavor profile.

Flavor Profiles

Flavor Profiles

While both cuts offer rich flavors, notable differences set them apart. Understanding these nuances is a key factor in choosing the perfect cut for your meal, whether you’re grilling for a weekend barbecue or preparing a cozy dinner for two.

Skirt: The Flavor Burst

This particular type is renowned for its robust beef flavor. This cut, with its marbling, is loaded with flavor that becomes more pronounced when cooked, delivering a mouthful of deliciousness in every bite.

The taste of Skirt steak is so distinctive that it often doesn’t need much dressing up—a simple marinade can bring out its natural flavor remarkably well. Despite being on the tougher side, the incredible flavor payoff makes it a favorite among many meat enthusiasts.

When marinated and cooked properly, a Skirt steak can deliver an unparalleled flavor experience, leaving a memorable imprint on your taste buds.

Flank: Lean but Flavorful

The Flank, while leaner, certainly doesn’t disappoint when it comes to flavor. Its beefy flavor is more concentrated than many other cuts, making it a standout choice for meat lovers. Plus, its lean texture makes it a fantastic canvas for marinades, soaking up flavors beautifully and rendering it a versatile cut that works well in a variety of cuisines.

The lean nature of this cut means it contains less fat and therefore can be less juicy than its Skirt counterpart. However, when cooked with care and attention, it can still deliver a delightful, flavorful punch, impressing your guests and satisfying your cravings.

How to cook them?

Flank Steak

Cooking these cuts is more complex than just throwing them on a grill. Each cut has unique characteristics that, when understood, can help you unlock its true potential. This section explores some of the best ways to cook Skirt and Flank steaks, helping you elevate their flavors and create restaurant-quality dishes right in your backyard.

Mastering the Skirt

This particular cut, due to its hearty flavor and marbled texture, benefits from high-heat cooking methods such as grilling or broiling. High heat can quickly sear the surface, locking in the flavors while adding a delightful char on the outside.

However, the Skirt can be tough, so to prevent it from becoming too chewy, it’s crucial to marinate it first. Once cooked, it’s crucial to cut the steak against the grain—this means cutting across the direction of the muscle fibers.

This technique shortens the muscle fibers and makes the meat easier to chew, enhancing its overall eating quality. While Skirt Steak is a champion of fast, high-heat cooking methods, slow cooking methods like braising can also work wonders, breaking down the tougher fibers over time to produce a tender, flavorful result.

Perfecting the Flank

Similar to Skirt, Flank Steak greatly benefits from marination. Its lean texture absorbs flavors well, making it a versatile option for many recipes, from classic grilling to exotic stir-fries. To lock in its flavors and ensure it doesn’t dry out, it’s recommended to cook it quickly on high heat.

Just like its counterpart, it’s essential to slice Flank steak against the grain once cooked. This simple trick can greatly enhance its tenderness, making it easier to eat and enjoy. Preferred cooking methods for this cut include grilling and broiling, but it can also be slow-cooked or braised for a deliciously tender, flavorful result.

Pairing Steaks with Sides

Pairing Steaks with Sides

A well-rounded meal isn’t just about the main course. The right side dishes can enhance the dining experience, balancing flavors and adding variety to the plate.

Complementing Skirt Steak

Food Drink
Lighter, zesty salads with a tangy vinaigrette Bold red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon or Zinfandel)
Homemade chimichurri sauce Dark, full-bodied beer (for casual BBQ)
Grilled vegetables (bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini)
Bold red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon or Zinfandel)
Dark, full-bodied beer (for casual BBQ)

The bold, robust flavor of Skirt steak pairs beautifully with lighter, zesty sides. Think fresh salads dressed with a tangy vinaigrette or a homemade chimichurri sauce, whose acidity can cut through the richness of the steak and offer a refreshing contrast.

Grilled vegetables like bell peppers, asparagus, or zucchini also provide a delightful balance, their smoky notes complementing the steak’s intense flavor. In terms of beverages, consider pairing your Skirt steak with a bold red wine like a Cabernet Sauvignon or Zinfandel.

These wines have strong flavors that can stand up to the steak’s richness. For a casual barbecue or cookout, a dark, full-bodied beer can also be an excellent match, its malty notes mingling wonderfully with the steak’s beefy goodness.

Accompaniments for the Flank

Accompaniments for the Flank

Food Drink
Classic roasted or mashed potatoes Medium-bodied red wine (Merlot or Malbec)
Grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts Crisp, hoppy IPA (beer option)
Fresh salad with vinaigrette dressing
Medium-bodied red wine (Merlot or Malbec)
Crisp, hoppy IPA (beer option)

The cut’s intense, beefy flavor works well with a variety of side dishes. You can’t go wrong with classics like roasted or mashed potatoes, their creamy, earthy flavors offering a comforting counterpoint to the meat. Grilled asparagus or Brussels sprouts can add a fresh, slightly bitter note that balances the meat’s richness.

Even a simple fresh salad with a vinaigrette dressing can provide a light, refreshing contrast. As for drinks, a medium-bodied red wine like a Merlot or Malbec can beautifully accentuate the flavors of this cut.

These wines offer a balance of fruitiness and tannins that complement the meat’s robust taste. If you prefer beer, a crisp, hoppy IPA could also complement the steak beautifully, its bitterness offsetting the steak’s richness and refreshing the palate between bites.

Nutrition Comparison

If you’re health-conscious or follow a specific dietary plan, you might also want to consider the nutritional aspect of your steak.

Nutritional Profile of Skirt Steak

Nutritional Profile of Skirt Steak

Nutrient Skirt Steak (per 3.5 oz, cooked) Flank Steak (per 3.5 oz, cooked)
Calories ~275 ~280
Total Fat ~17g ~17g
Protein ~28g ~28g
Iron ~2.7mg ~2.4mg
Vitamin B12 ~2.0mcg ~2.5mcg
Saturated Fat ~6.5g ~6.7g
Cholesterol ~75mg ~75mg
Carbohydrates 0g 0g
Fiber 0g 0g
Sodium ~75mg ~60mg

Nutritional Profile of Flank Steak

Nutrient Skirt Steak (per 3.5 oz, cooked) Flank Steak (per 3.5 oz, cooked)
Calories ~275 ~280
Total Fat ~17g ~17g
Protein ~28g ~28g
Iron ~2.7mg ~2.4mg
Vitamin B12 ~2.0mcg ~2.5mcg
Saturated Fat ~6.5g ~6.7g
Cholesterol ~75mg ~75mg
Carbohydrates 0g 0g
Fiber 0g 0g
Sodium ~75mg ~60mg

Thanks to its marbling, the Skirt has a higher fat content than its counterpart. But it’s not all about fat—it also boasts a good amount of protein, making it a filling choice that can help satisfy your hunger. While the higher calorie count due to its fat content might make some people hesitant, Skirt Steak also offers essential nutrients.

It’s a good source of iron, which aids in oxygen transportation in the body, and vitamin B12, crucial for nerve function and the creation of red blood cells. Flank steak is a lean cut, making it a good choice for those watching their fat and calorie intake.

It’s rich in protein, and like the Skirt, it also provides essential nutrients like iron and vitamin B12. However, keep in mind that while Flank steak is leaner, it might not be as satiating or offer the same depth of flavor as the Skirt. The lower fat content means it could be less juicy and might require more effort to cook in a way that enhances its flavors.


Which steak is a better option for Asian-style beef skewers?

Skirt steak’s tenderness and ability to absorb flavors make it a great choice for Asian-style beef skewers.

Can I make tacos with both types?

Yes, both steaks are excellent choices for making flavorful steak tacos.

Are there any specific cuts I should look for?

Look for “inside” Skirt steak or “top” Flank steak, as they are generally more tender cuts.

Can I find both types at regular grocery stores?

Yes, both of them are commonly available at most grocery stores.

Which type is more suitable for a steak salad with bold dressings?

Skirt steak’s robust flavor makes it an ideal choice for steak salads with bold dressings like balsamic vinaigrette.

Final thoughts

In the end, whether you’re team Skirt or team Flank, remember that both these cuts have unique characteristics that make them a joy to cook and eat. The best steak for you is the one that satisfies your taste buds and aligns with your nutritional preferences and dietary lifestyle. All you have to do is choose and enjoy!